Bridger Peaks Counseling

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Rising Strong™ Intensive Retreat March 1-3, 2019

In our busy lives, we rarely share the challenges of falling and rising from struggle. In this 3-day experiential training, participants will identify professional areas of struggle and learn how to rumble with shame, grief and vulnerability.


The physics of vulnerability is simple: If we are brave enough, often enough, we will fall.

Rising Strong™ Workshop is a research-based program about what it takes for us to get back up, live a wholehearted and satisfying life, rise strong and how owning our stories of struggle gives us the power to write daring new endings.

By participating in the Rising Strong™ Intensive Retreat with Rachael, you will have the opportunity to explore how to live bravely by showing up in the professional arenas of your life and rise strong to become the best, most authentic version of you.

To learn more about the Rising Strong™ Intensive Retreat go to