How to Get Moving: 5 tips for when you are feeling sluggish and unmotivated

In the age of technology where so many things push us out of our bodies and into our heads, it’s easy to feel stuck. We often feel like we are unable to get off of our phones and onto our feet, as our to-do list gets longer and longer. Maybe you work a job where you sit all day. Or, you work at a job where you are on your feet for hours on end. Maybe you are battling depression and simple tasks feel unmanageable. Regardless of the cause, if you find yourself feeling sluggish and unmotivated to get through your mental list of to-do’s and it is becoming a problem, reach out to Bridger Peaks Counseling! Follow along as our compassionate therapists discuss five tips to help get you on a roll and motivated.

1. Write down (or type out) your to-do list

A woman working on her laptop. Explore our counseling services in Missoula, MT. Get started with a depression therapist today.

Sometimes getting the tasks written out and out of our heads is half of the problem. Writing out a to-do list can feel like journaling. As we do it, we tend to mentally process and organize what needs to be done which leaves more space in our brains for focus. If your to-do lists end up feeling too daunting, start by listing only three items. Just three! After you have written your to-do list, agree with yourself to accomplish one task. You may decide to pick the quickest, easiest task to get yourself rolling. Alternatively, you may choose the most overwhelming task first so that you might clear out some of your anxious thoughts and up your motivation. When you agree to accomplish this task, say out loud or in your head to yourself “I will get up and begin [X task] right now and I will finish it until it is done.” By doing this, you are telling your brain that it is go time and there is no arguing!

2. Just start!

Getting up can often be the most difficult part of accomplishing tasks. Part of you may very well know it is time to get up and get started, but another very convincing part of you is likely wrapped up in what you are doing at the moment. So, count yourself down! Seriously! Say out loud, or in your head, 5…4….3….2…1…Go! When you finish your countdown, it is time to get up. Use the above statement in tip #1 before you count down for an extra convincing statement directed at your brain.

3. Begin your flow.

An object in motion stays in motion, right? When you do your countdown and can get up, the next step is going to be keeping yourself moving. Before beginning your to-do list, it may be beneficial to get your body moving so that you can take advantage of the wonderful endorphins we get when we move our bodies. No need to go high impact here. A brisk walk or yogic stretching will do just fine. Not only do these movements release endorphins, but they also can help to move your focus from your mind and into your body which can make that to-do list feel easier.

4. Make your bed.

A woman smiling while making her bed. By making your bed, you're setting up your day for success. Get started with a depression therapist in Missoula, MT today.

It often feels easier to stay in bed or lay around when our space feels messy. I’ve heard the phrase “messy bed, messy head” and it is so true for me. Cleaning up our spaces is often such a helpful first step in shaking off that sluggish feeling. So, make that bed! Fold those clothes! Unload that dishwasher so that you can load the dirty dishes and get them off the counter! Clearing or tidying our spaces helps to clear our minds and leave space for the tasks at hand. If you can’t even begin to write out your task list until your space feels tidy, do that first!

5. Affirm yourself! You got this!

Colorful sticky notes with affirmations. Explore our different counseling services in Missoula, MT. Our depression therapists are ready to help!

When our self-talk sounds like “You’re being so lazy, get off your phone and get moving,” we are not helping ourselves get motivated. It’s easy to think that this type of push is what we need to hear. In reality, positive self-talk is much more effective in motivating us to get things done. So, start off your day with some affirmations. Go ahead, tell yourself how great you are! Affirmations may sound like this: “I am smart, I am driven, I am confident and I do what I say I am going to do!” If that format doesn’t resonate with you, find your own! You can use Google or just your own brain. For some, saying this once to yourself will feel good. For others, saying it in the mirror multiple times to your reflection may feel even better!

Tips for the Future

Give it a try because if we want to be kind to others, we should probably start with ourselves first. It’s not always easy to get moving and get things done. Learn what works best to motivate you and repeat that pattern! You know yourself best: listen, look, and notice what works for you and what feels good. Think back on other times you felt sluggish or unmotivated and ask yourself what helped you to get started. Once you figure out which tips work for you, use that information to support yourself and accomplish tasks, feel better, and get motivated!

Interested in Beginning Bozeman Counseling Services?

Life’s changes, while often challenging, can be an opportunity for self-exploration, self-reflection, and growth. Engaging with these tips, as well as reaching out for support, can help make life’s transitions more manageable. If you need support as you navigate change, our team of caring therapists would be honored to help you in your journey. To start therapy with Bridger Peaks Counseling, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Make an appointment online

  2. Meet with one of our professional Bozeman mental health therapists

  3. Wipe away those sluggish feelings and get motivated!

Other Therapy Services We Offer in Bozeman, MT

Our team of caring counselors at Bridger Peaks Counseling is happy to provide a variety of mental health services. Our team is happy to offer services including adult counseling, teen counseling, group therapy, rising strong workshops, and marriage counseling. Furthermore, we provide anxiety therapy, depression treatment, substance use counseling, and online grief counseling. Along with EMDR, postpartum depression support, body image therapy, and psychiatric care. Visit our blog or FAQ to learn more today!